All posts tagged: Traveling responsibly

Let’s reduce food waste!

Every day, large quantities of food are wasted. Did you know that about 30% of food never gets eaten worldwide? Reducing food waste would save money, natural resources, and help feed those in need. Did you know animal proteins require more energy, land, and water than plant proteins? It takes about 25 times more energy to produce a calorie of beef than one calorie of corn for people to eat. If you still eat animal products you can make a huge difference by wasting less of what you eat, especially meat, seafood, and dairy. Fruits and veggies get tossed the most, bananas and apples are some of the most wasted fruits. So what to do with wilted fruits and veggies? You can freeze them to use later in baked goods. You can also use wilted fruits for smoothies and wilted veggies for soups. If we produce food that doesn‘t get eaten we not only waste those products but also a lot of water, energy, and wildlife habitat. Where does most food go to waste? Is …

Traveling responsibly

Hey guys! This is where we are going to tell you about our tips on how to travel responsibly! We believe that you learn a lot while traveling and it is the best way to explore the magic of our world. Responsible travel is about respecting the country you visit, including its communities, culture, and environment. Here are our 5 tips on how to travel responsibly: 1. MINIMIZE YOUR WASTE! Say no to plastic straws. Millions of straws end up in the ocean, polluting the water and killing marine life. We want to encourage you to stop using plastic straws. Just say “No PLASTIC straw, please!” before you order a beverage. Or use a paper straw which more and more restaurants offer. Say no to plastic bags and bring your own bag instead. Also, bring your own reusable water bottle and refill it with tap water. If you can’t drink tap water in the country you visit, buy the biggest water bottle instead of the small ones and refill your reusable bottle. And please never litter! Everyone needs …