All posts tagged: food

Let’s reduce food waste!

Every day, large quantities of food are wasted. Did you know that about 30% of food never gets eaten worldwide? Reducing food waste would save money, natural resources, and help feed those in need. Did you know animal proteins require more energy, land, and water than plant proteins? It takes about 25 times more energy to produce a calorie of beef than one calorie of corn for people to eat. If you still eat animal products you can make a huge difference by wasting less of what you eat, especially meat, seafood, and dairy. Fruits and veggies get tossed the most, bananas and apples are some of the most wasted fruits. So what to do with wilted fruits and veggies? You can freeze them to use later in baked goods. You can also use wilted fruits for smoothies and wilted veggies for soups. If we produce food that doesn‘t get eaten we not only waste those products but also a lot of water, energy, and wildlife habitat. Where does most food go to waste? Is …

Banana snacks

Make your own healthy banana snacks! Not only are bananas tasty, snack size, and great energy boosters, they also carry a variety of mental and physical health benefits. Bananas are a good source of several vitamins and minerals, especially potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. Potassium is a powerful mineral that promotes heart health and normal blood pressure. It doesn’t get any easier than these 3 snacks. You can use any ingredients you like and in any amount to suit your taste. This is just our recommendation. For all three snacks you can use the following ingredients: Bananas, dark chocolate, peanut butter, nuts, coconut flakes, dried fruits, fresh fruits, vegan yogurt 1. BANANA SUSHI INSTRUCTIONS Peel the bananas and cover them with peanut butter or melted dark chocolate. Add your favorite toppings like nuts, coconut flakes, dried fruits, and place in the fridge until set. Then cut into bite-sized pieces. 2. BANANA BOATS INSTRUCTIONS Slice the bananas down the center, lengthwise, and spread peanut butter or vegan yogurt on top. Next, add your favorite toppings …

Vegan Stuffed Eggplant

Eggplants, also known as aubergines, have a unique range of health benefits. Adding eggplant to your diet keeps your blood sugar levels in check. This is because they are high in fiber. Eggplants are also packed with iron and calcium—two very important minerals for bone health. Prep Time: 20 min      Cook Time: 30 min      Serves 2 INGREDIENTS 2 medium eggplants 1 onion 1 garlic clove 1 zucchini 2 medium tomatoes 4 medium mushrooms 2 Tbsp tomato puree 1 Tbsp oil 1 tsp salt 1 tsp Italian seasoning ½ tsp paprika powder 1/3 tsp black pepper pinch of chili flakes ½ cup (125 g) unsweetened soy yogurt Couscous: 1 cup (165 g) couscous 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) water 1 Tbsp olive oil ½ tsp salt INSTRUCTIONS Step 1: Preheat oven to 200 °C. Step 2: Wash and cut the eggplants in half (lengthwise). Scoop out the flesh and set aside. Put the eggplant “boat” on the baking sheet and sprinkle with oil and salt. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Step 3: Prepare couscous: bring …

Asparagus with vegan Hollandaise Sauce

We absolutely love asparagus and especially with a vegan Hollandaise Sauce. Spring is the best season for asparagus. This green veggie is packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, C, E, K, iron, calcium, protein, and fiber. Prep Time: 20 min      Cook Time: 20 min      Serves 4 INGREDIENTS 1 kg asparagus 1 kg potatoes Vegan Hollandaise Sauce 60 g vegan margarine 20 g flour 220 ml cold vegetable stock 200 ml soy cream 1 tsp mustard 1 tsp turmeric 1 tsp lemon juice Salt & white pepper INSTRUCTIONS Step 1: Peel and wash the potatoes. Put them in a medium pot and cover them with cold water. Add salt to the water and cover the pot with a lid. Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook the potatoes for about 20 minutes. Step 2: Wash the asparagus and cut off the woody ends. Fill a large pot with water, add salt, and bring it to a boil. Then add the asparagus. Cook for 5-8 minutes. It depends on …

Vegan Food Inspirations

Maybe some of you already know that we are following a vegan diet. It all started last year 2017. We wanted to exercise more and eat healthier. We did a lot of research about the right diet and we stumbled across veganism. After knowing what we know now we feel like there is no way we could not be vegan. It is important to be educated on things that you are passionate about.  The transition to a plant-based lifestyle took us months but we loved the journey and we still do. We are constantly learning and getting inspired by other people. We became vegan for three reasons: ANIMALS, HEALTH and ENVIRONMENT. First of all, we LOVE animals. And this diet is also better for your health and for the environment. We wish we would have known about veganism years ago, but it is never too late.  If you want to know more about why we chose to be vegan, you can watch the following documentaries: ✶ 101 reasons to go vegan ✶ H.O.P.E ✶ What …